7-Step challenge to building your self-esteem

Dr. Najmun Riyaz, MD Psychiatrist and Empowerment Coach

Self-esteem is how we feel about ourselves.
How much we like ourselves. How we perceive ourselves. How much we value ourselves. Our self-esteem carries onto every aspect of our life.

7-Step challenge to building your self-esteem

Dr. Najmun Riyaz, MD Psychiatrist and Empowerment Coach

Self-esteem is how we feel about ourselves.
How much we like ourselves. How we perceive ourselves. How much we value ourselves. Our self-esteem carries onto every aspect of our life.

What we need to know about anxiety versus anxiety disorder

Dr. Najmun Riyaz, MD Psychiatrist and Empowerment Coach

Anxiety is a normal emotion that every human being
experiences from time to time. Feelings of tension and worries
about various things in our life are quite expected. When our
child or parent gets sick, we feel anxious.